Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Golden Flogger! ('Cause Doesn't A Girl Just Need to Be Spanked With One?)


In case it wasn't clear...

I'm so excited I can barely contain myself and I don't know how I'm going to make it peacefully (like without my head exploding) all the way to July 1st.

Why July you ask? Well, because I was fortunate enough to be nominated for the Golden Flogger Award  (BDSM Romance category)
by Mindy Naughty Book Snitch and finalists aren't announced until July 1st!


 Not Even Death (#1) Eternally Your Master

Amazon For Kindle and paperback

Barnes & Noble For Nook


Youtube Trailer by Mindy-Naughty Book Snitch

Not Even Death (#2) Still Your Master

 Amazon For Kindle  (paperback available soon!)

Barnes & Noble For Nook


I've just about got my bags packed and ready to board the plane! I'm excited about the convention--and the food. I'm psyched about walking Calico's steps and video taping a documentary style jaunt through her stomping grounds. My mouth is already watering--thinking of the food (and Gray's Papaya and official NY dirty water dawgs, the Carnegie Deli and PIZZA!)

In all honesty--aside from the food--I'm thrilled at the possibility of meeting wonderful people and having a fantastic time while I take a big ol' bite of the Big Apple *yep food again! *

Wet Whips & Kisses,

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